Based in Switzerland, Nembrini Translations offers language solutions for companies and individuals.

Choose a professional translation to promote clear and effective communication. Entrust me with the revision of your translated text to avoid oversights and ensure quality. Opt for a good post-editing done with appropriate tools and experienced eyes. Assign me an important text to proofread with care and precision or ask for consulting on your language projects.



Why don't you generally translate to German, French and English?

Despite all the experience, native translators can guarantee a better result. Contact me if you want a recommendation.

Why should I ask a professional when I could just use Google Translate?

Each translation is unique. There is no right or wrong in translation, only appropriate and adequate for the situation. Several factors point towards one translation choice rather than another: the type of text and the medium in which it will be published, its function, cultural expectations, the target audience, the time context, the needs of the client, etc.

It is essential to know these factors in order to do a good job.
All of these are not taken into account by Google Translate!

Machine translation systems available online often fail to maintain terminological consistency. For example, you might find 'glacier' in one sentence and 'block of ice' in the next to translate the same concept. The audience may get lost while reading and might not understand the message. With my professional software and my common sense I can ensure consistency and logic throughout the text.

Simple texts

Correspondence, e-mail, newsletters
Flyers, advertising material
Web articles

  • adapted to the culture of Italian-speaking Switzerland

Specialist texts

Operating instructions

  • according to the norms of the text genre
  • terminological accuracy
  • global consistency


E-learning courses
Video games, applied games

  • overall perspective, translation according to user experience
  • direct processing in various formats thanks to translation software

Multimedia translation

Texts for dubbing
Transcription of audio files

  • translation based on viewing the material
  • suitability to format
  • work on special software (on request)


Quality assurance of texts translated from German, French or English into Italian according to the Four Eyes Principle. 

Global or partial revision according to your needs

Content match
Grammar, typing errors, double spaces, etc.
Public adequacy, cultural aspects
Correctness of terms
Suitability for the type of text / medium
Text fluency
Compliance with guidelines


Revision of texts processed by a machine translation system.

It can be useful if you do not necessarily need a quality text and you want to save on costs.

If you opt for this solution, I will directly take care of both the machine translation (included in the price) and the post-editing using my professional software, which also guarantees data security.


Correction of texts written directly in Italian. In special cases I can proofread texts in German, English and French.

Global or partial correction according to your needs

Grammar, typing errors, double spaces, etc.
Public adequacy, cultural aspects
Correctness of terms
Suitability for the type of text / medium
Text fluency
Compliance with guidelines
Feedback / proposals for content changes


My mother tongue is Italian, therefore I guarantee correctness on all levels for this language only.
On request I can also proofread school dissertations, letters of application, e-mails and other texts of daily use in my other languages.


Do you have questions about the world of translation? You need to organise a project but you do not know how to manage its adaptation into another language? Are you planning a project in several languages and don't know who to turn to?
Would you like to find out how much a translation might cost? Do you already have translated texts and wish to have their quality assessed? Do you want to create a professional glossary with your company's terminology, so that internal texts and future translations respect your specific language? Are you thinking of buying a translation software (CAT tool) or do you want to learn how to use a free/web-based one?

I will answer your questions and show you what the possible solutions are, both short- and long-term, and which tools can be taken into account.

Thanks to my network, I can also refer you to a professional with other language combinations or specialisations.
